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I hate ironing. With the exception, oddly enough, of ironing cloth napkins. For some reason it feels therapeutic. Mindless, automatic, rhythmic. Bright colors stimulate the eyes while my mind has time to wander.
I'm not certain she is aware but my dear friend and housemate in grad school taught me an important lesson about cloth napkins. OK, maybe not technically about cloth napkins but definitely about life. She approached mealtimes as a sacred time to feed mind, body and soul. Whether dining with friend or alone, setting a special place setting and savoring a meal is critical to foundational living.
Slowing down isn’t always something we prioritize. It feels impossible with all the “have to’s” in our lives. However, taking time to take inventory is critical. Not necessarily the “Am I being everything I’m meant to be?” type of inventory. That feels heavy and quite frankly we don’t always want to go there on a daily basis. However, an awareness inventory can help us overcome obstacles, avoid mindless actions and celebrate big and small victories.
Let your mind wander…
Is there something I’m avoiding?
Am I speaking to those I love in a way that makes me proud? (at least most of the time)
Am I getting enough sleep? enough good food? enough joy?
What would I like to do more of over the next month? Less of?
Do I look people in the eye when I talk with them?
Who do I want to spend more time with over the next month?
What has gone well? What can I celebrate?
Course correction is much easier when frequent checkpoints are a part of our routine.
Life is so full! Sometimes it feels like busyness, but life is full of tiny moments that mean something if we let them. If we notice them. If we honor them. Slow down. Regroup. Allow yourself a few moments of peace each day. Notice. Breath.