Life In Exclamation
Photo Credit: Erondu
I love writing. I always have. I have been blessed to have had some pretty incredible teachers and role models. They have contributed greatly to my writing. As with any consulting/advice we receive, solicited and unsolicited, we have to decide whether to take it or leave it. In writing, I have often been counselled to cool it with the exclamation points. Each draft of a letter, email, blog post or general document of any kind is followed by me scrolling through the document, finger poised over the “delete” key.
I wholeheartedly support and cherish grammar rules. And, yes, I am the first to recognize the value in reducing my exclamation point usage. I certainly don’t want anyone to think I’m yelling at them unless, of course, I am. However, I recently realized that I might be editing the exclamation points out of my life a little too much.
I love living in the exclamation. Life is exciting, even when it’s hard and I’d rather stay in bed. I knew a gal once who, when asked “How’s your day?” frequently responded “Well, I’m above the dirt so that’s something.” And some days all we can muster is living above the dirt. Believe me. I’ve had my fair share of THOSE days. But even with my fair share behind me and my fair share in front of me, I am taking the pledge - The Exclamation Point Pledge. I invite you to take with me.
I pledge to find something each day to put an exclamation point behind.
There, pretty simple. OK, simple but by no means easy. Let’s do it anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!